Tuesday 17 September 2013

I spent the summer discovering how much I love using watercolour and this is definitely one of the highlights of that fact. So this is Jason Voorhees in all his bloody glory. And yes, that is Kevin Bacon's head.

I took a break from my usual obsession with everything horror and watched something that wasn't about murder, well, not completely. So here's 'Castle In The Sky'.

'A flash of lightning illuminated the object, and discovered its shape 
plainly to me; its gigantic stature, and the deformity of its 
aspect, more hideous than belongs to humanity, instantly 
informed me that it was the wretch, the filthy daemon, to 
whom I had given life'

Because Cenobites are so in this Autumn.

 Hellraiser print I made a while ago. Still one of my favourite pieces.

Final, final major project images.

 These are the last of the photos of my final major project, just showing off a few of the details. Five glue sticks, about ten sheets of mount board and every tube of orange paint I could find were harmed in the making of this. 


 I now have less than a week before I pack up and ship off to London to start Uni. So after procrastinating for the entire summer here is the blog I promised myself I would make several months ago. So better late than never, here is where my future career in illustration will be jumping off from, my final major project. It is the closest I've been to a gallery experience and despite the extreme lack of sleep and hair-ripping stress it caused me in the final week, Loved every second of it. I'm rambling, my project was called 'Gothic Orange' and it's aim was to marry together my loves of Gothic horror and orange. There is a slightly more eloquent version of that description somewhere, I'll post a picture if I find it. So anyway, Off we go.